• Bridal Bouquet

    A custom hand-tied arrangement with seasonal blooms & fresh greenery.


  • Bridesmaid's Bouquet

    A small hand-tied arrangement to compliment the bride’s bouquet.


  • Mother's Bouquet

    The perfect-sized bouquet for mom and grandma.


  • Table Arrangement

    A mason jar or small vase of your own (we must approve the vase beforehand) bursting with seasonal blooms and greenery.

    $50-$250 depending on size

  • Bud Vase

    A small vase with sprigs of seasonal stems and greenery matching your theme.


  • Boutonniere

    A spring of joy for the guys to wear hand-tied and matched to the theme.


  • Flower Crown

    Soft Curly willow branches woven into a crown and adorned with seasonal blooms and greenery.


  • Arbor Installation

    Pricing depends on types of flowers to be used and size.

    Minimum $500

  • 6' Greenery Garland

    A 6 foot garland woven with fresh mixed greenery, perfect for table runners or a wreath around a centerpiece .


  • Bucket of Eucalyptus

    5 bunches of Silver Dollar Eucalyptus


  • A la carte option includes:

    - Work one-on-one with Ginnie to make an inspiration board (based on the inspiration you provide)

    - Contract to book

    - One 15 minute initial touch base call to further discuss your event details for orders $2000 + above

    - General email correspondence as needed

    - Final details email 30 days out from your event to discuss timeline / logistical details / updates

    - Flowering for your day!


Brief Terms and Condition

  • 25% deposit due at time of signing contract

  • A la Carte option does not include delivery or installation, there is a $250 delivery fee

  • If you would like us to set up and install your flowers, please choose the full-service option

  • Some flowers are subject to seasonal availability, weather, & other acts of nature. If a certain flower or color cannot be accommodated the client agrees to allow Bell Creek Farm to choose alternate varieties of the same quality and along the same desired color spectrum.

  • We can use a custom vessel of your choosing for Table arrangements or centerpieces, but we must have the vessels delivered to us at least 2 weeks prior to the wedding.

  • If there is something that is not listed - please ask if its something that we could accommodate.

Get in touch for A la Carte Florals

Let us know your floral vision.